Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Shape Shifter

Shape shifting is a change in the physical form or shape of a human or animal. Certain Native American cultures have a similar legendary belief called Skin Walkers. That a human can change to animals and back again to human, or sometimes humans changes to other humans.

Maybe this is what dics Alex Femenia, Mike Meislish and Mike Polombo think of Mark. That he is a shape shifter. How else can it be explained that not a single witness has ID’d Mark; that Mark is excluded from most all of the DNA evidence; that he is excluded from every single finger print that has been lifted from the crime scenes?

Perhaps while Mark was lockedup at the 4th Avenue jail, he morphed himself into a bird and flew home to place a ring in his shoe. How else can you explain the ring was missed by police on the 1st search warrant with the directive to search and seize all men’s shoes, only to be found 3 searches later? 

Now it makes sense! Mark transformed himself into different beings so that someone else’s DNA and fingerprints could be left at the crime scenes; the reason that nearly every single witness describes the attacker as someone much younger, shorter and thinner than Mark. 

Or is the better explanation that this really is nothing less than police and prosecutorial misconduct and a complete disregard for the truth?