Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Written Decision on Andrew Thomas

Unfortunately, the investigation into Andrew Thomas's corruption and abuse of power did not include the cover ups and misconduct by him in the investigation of Mark. However, I still watched and read with glee as this dangerous and arrogant man was stripped of harming anyone else from a position of power. Because  of his unwillingness to admit his wrongdoing, he will probably never meet the ethical standards to reinstate his license to practice law. Thank goodness.

Popularity may make a person admired, but it does not make one honorable. Power may give a person influence, but it does not make one trustworthy. Authority may give a person control, but it does not make one dependable.

. . .  is how the Andrew Thomas is depicted in this scathing written decision.  This prosecution of Andrew Thomas was unprecedented in history.

Here, from the written decision, are only some of the other descriptions of Thomas and his completely bankrupt code of ethics.

He was equaled to ousted and criminally prosecuted Carolina District Attorney Michael Nifong:
. . . North Carolina District Attorney Michael Nifong, resulting in his disbarment for his conduct regarding the Duke University lacrosse case is not ancient history.

. . . growing, profound arrogance or a supreme confidence that his (Thomas) power had no boundaries. Perhaps because of his might he believed he was right. Clearly the startling absence of any evidence in these prosecutions did not hinder the flex of that power.

Unshackled, a treacherous power to “get” people, regardless of the fact that they were innocent, was set loose.  The result is unmistakable from the hundreds of exhibits and the mountains of transcripts within this case.

There was an intentional abandonment of even a semblance of true investigative techniques.

Motivated by such declared revelation they compounded their corruption by embracing duplicity, deceitfulness and deception. . . . They ignored the law and rules to achieve their objective.

They ignored the law and rules to achieve their objective.

A gaping void was opened in the life of the people of Maricopa County where any citizen’s rights could be burned as part of the maintenance of this fake conspiracy.

This case is regrettable proof that the absence of ethical behavior fuels uncontrollable actions.

He was willing to shear away the Constitution from citizens of this country to accomplish his goals

They never looked for evidence, because they always knew there was none.

Respondents Thomas and Aubuchon joined hands to inflict an economic blizzard on that public and multiple individuals which is paled only by the intentional infliction of emotional devastation their icy calculated storm left in its wake. That harm is irrefutable, yet still finds Respondents without a shred of remorse.

Mr. Thomas discerned he had in Ms. Aubuchon someone all too willing to do whatever was necessary to hammer his opponents, real or imagined, into submission.

You can read the decision in its entirety here.