Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Two Unrelated Males who’s DNA is IDENTICAL to Mark’s

Yes! It’s true! Read on. 

The Y DNA is the paternal family DNA that is passed on from male to male on the father’s side and is identical to each male.

The State’s so-called DNA “expert”, Lorrain Heath, testified that the Y DNA found at some crime scene evidence is the Goudeau Y DNA. She combined her calculations of the Y with the more discriminating STR DNA to come up with the hyped, inflated, fantastical likelihood ration you’ve seen in the media, giving the general public the illusion that the DNA was entirely unique and that no one else in the world could share the same genetic markers. She said she got a hit on Mark’s Y DNA in the very small Y DNA database in 2006.

Well, now that the Y DNA database, over the years, has increased in size as other men’s Y DNA is added, there are now TWO MORE Y DNA profiles in this database that are IDENTICAL TO THE GOUDEAUS. And these two identical Y profiles are of UNRELATED MALES OF DIFFERENT RACES - one Black, the other White.  Although Heath didn't want to, she was forced to admit on the stand that there are currently two known unrelated males with the same Y DNA as Mark, snapping at Mark's attorney Rod Carter saying "I already told you that when we talked."

There are currently 1,200 Y DNA profiles in this database and as it continues to increase there will likely be more IDENTICAL UNRELATED Y DNA profiles in this database. Can you imagine how many other unrelated males that share the same Y that will never even be in the database?

The more we learn about the DNA in this case, the more we see what crap it is. Did I mention that shortly after Lorrain Heath contacted PPD with misinformation on the DNA resulting in Mark’s arrest, that she left the country?