It's been a while since I've posted anything on the case, so here's the latest.
First, Alex Femenia, the lead dic on the Baseline task force, retired from PPD, but currently employed at the County Attorneys office to work full time on the prosecution of Mark, and yes he is double dipping with a pension and salary. Femenia and prosecutors have won a motion to consume yet more DNA. Four years after Mark's arrest. FOUR YEARS. This is not only an attempt to cover their tracks by consuming (destroying) what ever physical evidence is left, but an act of desperation. Continue reading to learn more. . .
Secondly, last Tuesday, July 13, mine and Mark's house was burglarized. Both personal and work computers and a deactivated cell phone were stolen. That afternoon I was contacted by blogger Jeff. Jeff is one of the bloggers of, a blog where good cops can anonymously post information on bad cops and corruptions. The blog has been invaluable with posts from PPD cops about cover ups and mishandling of evidence by lead BK task team dics, Alex Femania, Mike Polombo, and Mike Meishish. PPD has even unsuccessfully tried to shut down the blog by searching Jeff's house, indicting and charging him. (All charges have been dismissed by a judge.)
Back to the burglary. That afternoon after our house was burglarized, Jeff received at least four phone calls from current PPD officers who told Jeff the burglary was staged and done by PPD in a desperate attempt to get "information." Hence cell phone and computers were taken. No VCRs or TVs stolen. Other things were done to make it appear as a burglary i.e. bedroom drawers were each opened a couple of inches with clothing tugged on, if you will. The clothing and items in the drawers were not disturbed at all. Also two bowls of crappy beaded jewelry were taken, along with two pieces of jewelry that were heirlooms from my grandmother.
One of the offices that called Jeff that afternoon said that it was with 100% certainty that the burglary was done by PPD in a desperate attempt to find anything that would help them, that they're very concerned of a mistrial.
You can read more about the facts at You'll notice the pics on the badphoenixcops blog include potato's. Here's why: The three primary corrupt dics on the Baseline task team - Femenia, Meishlish and Polombo are disliked by most cops at PPD. Polombo is referred to as Mr. Potato Head and his wife, Heather, as Mrs Potato Head. If you've seen Polombo you know why.
As for Mark, he is angry and concerned about my safety - god only knows what these desperate goons will do - but he is his usual strong self.
Stay tuned.