The 2007 trial of which Mark was convicted of raping
Alejandra and Lorena Lara, was presided over by Judge Andrew G. Klein.
Judge Klein recused himself from presiding over any other of
Mark’s upcoming trials because Klein felt he could not do so impartially or
without prejudice. Klein also made awful remarks about Mark off the record, I
am told. Clearly this man needed to recuse himself, and thankfully he had the
intelligence to do so.
However, the appeal for the 2007 conviction recently went
right in front of this very same man, judge Klein. The same man who recused
himself because he could not make decisions in any further proceedings in Mark’s
case without bias and his own personal feelings.
So it was no surprise that Mark’s appeal, whom Klein already
admitted he could not deal fairly with, was denied. An appeal that introduced new evidence – the cover up of the extensive investigation of Terry Wayne Smith by Officer Rusty Stuart. Regardless that the prosecutors Susanne
Cohen, William Clayton, Patty Stevens, and task team dics Alex Femenia, Mike
Polombo, Mike Mieslish and others hid this report isn’t relevant for purposes
of the appeal. New evidence is new
evidence, regardless of how it was found and cases are overthrown and new trials
are ordered when there is new evidence this substantial.
But like a dog returning to its vomit, Mark’s appeal went
right back to the very judge who already admitted that his own personal
feelings prevented him from being fair in regards to Mark.
Scarey thing this thing they call our justice system. Seems more like the good ole boy system.
As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his foolishness. Proverbs 26:11