Trial is to begin early June. We’ll be relieved to get the true facts into open court. The media has done they’re usual job of sensationalizing and hyping, misrepresenting the facts, and portraying Mark as a monster. For those of you who unfortunately rely on local media to educate yourselves here are some facts you’ll never read there:
By far, the majority of the suspect descriptions by victims is a smallish man, 25 -35 years old. Mark is a large man who wears XXL, big and barrel chested. He was 43 when he was arrested in 2006. He’s too old, he’s too big, but he is just Black enough.
Mark is excluded from every single crime scene latent print.
Not only is the DNA NEVER a match to Mark’s DNA, in some of the cases it is environmentally impossible for there to be any useable DNA evidence. The State will not be allowed to use the term “match” in court when referring to the DNA.
Many, many, many pieces of DNA evidence EXCLUDES Mark. Not inconclusive findings – he is excluded completely!
Not a single witness has ID’d Mark. There is this one women who has been coached by the prosecutors all these years later. Judge Granville in open court advised Mark’s attorneys to simply impeach her. BTW – Prosecutor Susanne Cohen called defense attorney, Randy Craig, and told him they have reconsidered their strategy since the woman, in Cohen’s words, is mentally challenged.
The Baseline task team – Alex Femenia, Mike Misliesh, Mike Polombo, Heather Polombo; prosecutors Suzanne Cohen, William Clayton, Patty Stevens; County Attorney’s office Andrew Thomas, Keith Manning, and others concealed a nearly 200 page police report on Terry Wayne Smith since 2006. They didn’t wan to give Mark an alibi and withheld this report when he went to trial in 2007. Mark’s defense team was made aware of the report only after I was approached by a contact close to Phoenix Police Department in 2009.
Mark called a Nigger by members of the task team. I’m told specifically by Alex Femanie. Read the Phoenix Law Enforcement Association’s memo here. It also includes an officer's remark that it would be “no surprise if evidence had been planted.”