An extensive investigation was done on Smith by a gang squad officer and it was determined he is responsible for the BK crimes. Police reports show he's even admitted to some of the crimes.
So what does PPD, prosecutors, Suzanne Cohen, Patty Stevens, and William Clayton, Andrew Thomas, police chief Jack Harris, Mayer Phil Gordon, and other city officials do? They attempt to cover up the evidence! Had it not been for internal anonymous PPD sources, Mark's defense team may have never learned of this cover up. But the team did and filed a subpoena for the extensive 100+ page police investigation on Smith and unscrupulous prosecutors, Cohen and Clayton, were forced to produce the 3-ring binder in court, March 20, 2009. Only after being caught and forced! In an attempt to CHA, Cohen remarked in court "we have no position on this." In other words, now caught in the act of hiding clearly exonerating evidence for Mark, she felt that if she took NO position, that her hide might be saved from the actions of her malicious behavior. But wait! Cohen also said at the hearing that the TWS report was not exculpatory. In another desperate attempt of trying to save her skin Cohen prattles on that she just got the TWS report.
So which is it Cohen did you just get it? Do you have no position on it? Or is it not in Mark's favor so you didn't feel compelled to turn it over? And BTW it's not the prosecutor's decision whethere discovery is exclupatory or not, it's up to the judge. So ALL DISCOVERY must be turned over regardless of what the prosecutor thinks.
Prosecutor Suzanne E. Cohen (coyote ugly, unscrupulous,
immoral, and bucking for a judge position off the back of Mark Goudeau)