Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Witness Pete Ochoa Gets Caught Lying On Stand

Pete Ochoa – Ritzz Catering (Report from 2010 trial)

I do not know or understand why people like Pete Ochoa willfully boldface lie on the stand under oath. Pete took the stand this week as a witness in the Tina Washington homicide. He testified that he recognized Mark as the person standing over Tina’s body. That he could tell by Mark’s eyes and the bone structure in his forehead that it was the same man.

Now here’s what Pete really told police. From the police report, and I quote : “Because the suspect had the hood placed over his head, Mr. Ochoa did not see the suspect’s face, so he did not know what race the suspect was.”

And  by a second detective who also interviewed Pete, again from the police report “The hood to the sweatshirt was over the suspect’s head, so Ochoa never saw the suspect’s face.”

What???? Under cross examination and confronted with his own words from the police report, Ochoa admitted on the stand that he did not get a look at the suspect. Pete had told two different detectives he could not see the suspect’s face.

In the police report Ochoa had also described the suspect as 5’7’ 140 lbs. Mark is nowhere near that height or weight.

What is this phenomenon that makes less than ordinary folks lie on the stand? Why do they think they’re going to outwit an experienced trial attorney? Was he raised by bad people? Innately a liar? Just born that way? Whatever his motive to lie, Pete is an idiot and hopefully he learned a very public lesson.