Sunday, September 18, 2011

DNA Extracts are Garbage

A brief layman’s explanation of obtaining and testing DNA from crime scenes is that items are swabbed with a Q-tip then sent to the lab for screening. If a screener determines there is enough DNA material on the Q-tip then the next step is to extract the DNA. What that means is the DNA is chemically lifted, from the swab and then analyzed. There are more steps after the extraction but no need to go into those here. What’s important are the extractions.

Last week a State witness a DNA forensics expert from the City of Phoenix crime lab testified that DNA extracts are garbage when a juror asked if she needed to do a retest, which is better, the raw untouched sample or DNA that’s already been chemically extracted. Well the raw DNA, of course, was the expert’s response. In fact, if there is more raw DNA available, the extracts are tossed in the garbage. The garbage! Not even preserved for future testing. Because, she testified, you can sometimes get different results.

And that is exactly what the State has given Mark and his defense team – garbage DNA. Every single shred of raw, untouched DNA evidence has been consumed by State DNA analyst, Lorraine Heath. Even when Heath had her results, she went back and consumed DNA swabs. In some instances as the trial neared, even years later DNA was consumed by the State - even though Heath already had results.

Chromosomal Laboratories, who will be testifying at the trial, has only garbage from the State to review. Only extracts. They cannot do their own independent testing from raw samples. The State and Heath made sure of that.

DNA experts question Heath’s work ethic and roll their eyes at statements she had made on the stand. Maybe that’s why Chromosomal Labs reached out to me and offered to work on Mark’s behalf for FREE! They smell the rat.

Lorraine Heath left Arizona for Canada a short time after Mark's arrest.