Monday, May 30, 2011

Introducing Lead Detective Alex Femenia

Introducing Alex Femenia, lead detective on the Baseline investigation. Alex Femenia actually came on the case very late into the investigation and, boy, did he make things happen. It was like magic. Magic in a corrupt, racist kind of way.

Below are blogs and comments from the blog. It’s a place where good cops can go anonymously to post about bad cops and all the problems of the homicide department at Phoenix Police. And there are lots of comments and blogs about Femenia. Seems he has few friends, even at Phoenix Police. This isn’t something you’ll see in local mainstream media. They’re not brave enough to report it.

Some of the blogs are ongoing and may not make sense to you, but the cops who post here regularly get it. Most of the comments, though, you will understand. The colorful language is not mine, but from directly from the blog.

 Another Brick Comes out of Jack Harris’ Wall – A Leaked Document From Officer Rusty Stuart on Mark Goudeau and the Baseline Killer Investigation

What Everyone Knows About the Mark Goudeau Case, But No one Wants to Talk About Because it is an Election Year
There were other suspects in the Baseline Killer Case that were never investigated. One suspect, that we will call "TWS", was from California. Our county attorney Andrew Thomas knows about this, Chief Jack Ass Harris knows about this, and some in the Phoenix Police Homicide Division - Joe Knott, Mike Polombo, Pat Kotecki, Benny Pina and Alex Femenia - know about this, too.

Homicide and Their Lies with Andrew Thomas
When the boys in Homicide like Mike Polombo and Alex Femenia found out about this report, they were rumored to state, "If we let this out (the nearly 200-page Terry Wayne Smith investigation) we give a ni**er like Goudeau an alibi." Benny Pina ordered that this report by Stewey Red (Rusty Stuart), be published in Microsoft Word. (Putting the report in Word format makes it’s virtually impossible to retrieve.)

And Now The Moment You Have All Been Waiting For: The Report & Binder from The Baseline Murder Investigation is Now Available Online
Is Terry Wayne Smith the Baseline Killer?

We think so. Here is another great article in the Times Publications by Shanna Hogan about Terry Wayne
Smith, the binder and the cover up by Alex Femenia and Benny Pina, and why Mike Polombo is a potato head! (Well...not really on Polombo...we will never figure out why this racist shit-stain remains a cop)

Now the Phx new times is going after officer Rusty Stuart.
Paul Rubin (what a small, spineless fuck) being used again by Phx PD and Alex Femenia to
discredit people who speak out against Phx PD.

Another Brick Comes out of Jack Harris’ Wall – A Leaked Document From Officer Rusty Stuart on Mark Goudeau and the Baseline Killer Investigation

What Everyone Knows About the Mark Goudeau Case, But No one Wants to Talk About Because it is an Election Year
There were other suspects in the Baseline Killer Case that were never investigated. One suspect, that we will call "TWS", was from California. Our county attorney Andrew Thomas knows about this, Chief Jack Ass Harris knows about this, and some in the Phoenix Police Homicide Division - Joe Knott, Mike Polombo, Pat Kotecki, Benny Pina and Alex Femenia - know about this, too.

Homicide and Their Lies with Andrew Thomas
When the boys in Homicide like Mike Polombo and Alex Femenia found out about this report, they were rumored to state, "If we let this out (the nearly 200-page Terry Wayne Smith investigation) we give a ni**er like Goudeau an alibi." Benny Pina ordered that this report by Stewey Red (Rusty Stuart), be published in Microsoft Word. (Putting the report in Word format makes it’s virtually impossible to retrieve.)

And Now The Moment You Have All Been Waiting For: The Report & Binder from The Baseline Murder Investigation is Now Available Online

Is Terry Wayne Smith the Baseline Killer?
We think so. Here is another great article in the Times Publications by Shanna Hogan about Terry Wayne
Smith, the binder and the cover up by Alex Femenia and Benny Pina, and why Mike Polombo is a potato head! (Well...not really on Polombo...we will never figure out why this racist shit-stain remains a cop)

Now the Phx new times is going after officer Rusty Stuart.
Paul Rubin (what a small, spineless fuck) being used again by Phx PD and Alex Femenia to
discredit people who speak out against Phx PD.

The Nameplate Witch Hunt Continues as a Class 4 Felony - Entire 4th Floor of PPD Confirmed as Biggest Group of AssClowns in Phoenix
Then through the investigation, feel free to tell them whatever you want just like Snodgrass, Polombo,
Femenia. These folks lie to Grand Juries, hide evidence, and investigate people for no reason and
never investigate the people, who need to be investigated - so do whatever you need; and feel guilt

Lieutenant Stan Hoover (#3486) Is Fired From PSB, Per Alton Washington - Stan Is Told, "Don't Go Away Mad......But Just Go Away!"
Alton: You've got our vote to replace Grandpa Fairbanks as City Manager. If you want to meet with any members of BadPhoenixCops (we will gladly bring along some good cops and some wives too) we will tell you all about how Mike Polombo, Alex Femenia, Benny Pena and the rest of Phoenix PD homicide hates blacks and calls your race "nigs" and "buckwheats."

The Goudeau Home is Robbed on Wednesday – Or Was It a Ruse Constructed By Public Safety Manager Jack Harris and Phoenix Homicide?
(July 2010 Mark and Wendy’s house was burglarized while Wendy was out for an hour. The blogger of received four phone calls from four active members of Phoenix police telling him that the burglary was staged and ordered by Jack Harris, Chief of Police, in a desperate attempt to find anything that can help them in their case. They took two computers and an old cell phone, anything with data, and a bowl of costume jewelry.)

When the officers arrived, they appeared aloof. One is rumored to have called Alex Femenia, which can be easily confirmed with a cell phone trace. Is it standard to call Alex Femenia on this case, while he works for the County Prosecutor’s office? That just seems to be an odd phone call to make. (note: we better request those records now or they may be lost – like Mark Goudeau’s were that proved he wasn’t in the area of at least several murders.)

Comments section:
In response to the anonymous poster – Neither is Polombo, Mieslish or Femenia incapable of lying and
planting evidence. They do it all the time as another poster pointed out. They were just stupid enough to do it on such a high profile case (Baseline case). Mark is just a Nigger to them. He’s disposable and a convenient sucker they could use to relieve themselves of the pressure to solve the crimes. Come on. Seriously? It took them FOUR searches to “find” a ring when they had already taken shoes from the same area on the first search? Idiots.

Goudeau Ruling – Baseline Killer Trial to Proceed with The Inclusion of TWS Report and Rusty Stuart Testimony.
A Key Win For Those Who Think the Phoenix PD Administration is A Bunch of Corrupt Shitbags!
We hear Suzanne Cohen, one of the prosecutors in the Goudeau case is pretty pissed at this ruling and we
can’t figure out why? We also know Alex Femenia testified and naturally thought Goudeau committed every murder and every crime; when Rusty Stuart’s report, victim testimony and cell tower records prove

A Open Message From Officer James Holmes - A Phoenix Cop Recently Demoted to Work in Patrol
Looks like a very loyal, african-american employee (or as Mike Polombo and Alex Femenia would call him - a nig) was given the ax recently due to his relationship with PLEA.

We all find it kind of interesting how all these lying cops, end up in FIB....No?
Is FIB the Island of Misfit Toys in the PPD? Then Homicide must be the land of racists with the likes of
Polombo, Knott and Femenia.

To single out a few names known on the blogs here, let’s start with Andy Anderson, better known as Road Rage Andy or Middle finger Andy. Andy loves to intimidate woman (including wives, daughters and PLEA PR reps), and he got $2,400 in bonus. This is the guy who was in charge of the investigative division for the last few years with Ass Clowns like Joe Klima, Joe Knott, Potato Head Polombo, Alex Femenia, Boy Wonder Pat Kotecki and all the other ones responsible for the big cover up in the Baseline Killer case

Recently indicted judge Gary Donahoe
We don’t have any kind words for this effeminate douchebag, Donahoe. This is the judge who signed off on the search warrant of Barnes and our blogger and was known as the go to guy in the Phoenix PD to get your bogus warrants from creeps like Polombo and Femenia.

We here at BadPhoenixCops know this judge well and think he should have been thrown in jail a long time ago. Gary Donahoe is friends with everyone in Phoenix PD homicide –especially Potato Head Polombo and Alex Femenia. Sources tell us that both Mike and Alex have worked with this corrupt judge for years, and he was their “go to guy” to obtain any kind of warrant they wanted -and it didn't matter if the warrant was surreptitiously obtained. Gary Donahoe gave them away like candy!

And in the comments section:
. . . years ago femenia worked with doanhoe when he was in the prosecutors office. they prosecuted many cases togehter. all shit smells the same. drity cops dirty judges. i hope this guy is in pink underwear in a tent soon